“Bucket List” “Done That List” “No Guts List”


Recently, I’ve seen coming attractions on TV about a new movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman called The Bucket List.  From the few snipets I’ve caught, it appears their list contains things they’ve both dreamt about doing before they kick the bucket.

I have a list like that, too, although I never thought to name mine the bucket list. And happily, my list spawned a Done That List.


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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.


    • Thanks, Sandra.


  2. I have a bucket list too! So far it has 158 goals on it, I am working my way to 1000. My favorites are ‘Milk a Cow’, ‘Ride a Zipline’ and ‘Make a Coloring Book’. You can see my list at http://www.mslistologist.com Good Luck!!


    • Make good on your wish to “Ride a Zipline.” My friend, Robin, had that one on her bucket list, too, and got the chance to cross it off her list last month. She said, “It was unbelievable!”


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